2 adults

Rooms 1


Sparks for children 2024

Sparks for children 2024

08.03.202502:00 PM Uhr

Sparks for children 2024

The Funkenzunft Klösterle builds this year a spark for children and you can be there. All children (under 5 years only with accompanying...

Sparks in Wald am Arlberg

Sparks in Wald am Arlberg
Sparks in Wald am Arlberg

Locals and guests are cordially invited to the spark burning at Sonnenbühel in Wald am Arlberg. This tradition is accompanied by music from the...


Funkenwachfeier in Dalaas

Funkenwachfeier in Dalaas
Funkenwachfeier in Dalaas

Spark watch - an important task of the Dalaas spark guild is the spark watch. The elaborately built spark must not be lit too early by unauthorised...


Sparks in Dalaas

Sparks in Dalaas
Sparks in Dalaas

At 18:30 the construction of the children's radio starts, the children are cordially invited to participate. Afterwards the big spark is ignited....


Sparks in Klösterle

Sparks in Klösterle
Sparks in Klösterle

Accompanied by the Harmoniemusik Klösterle, the "Klostner Funken" is lit on Funken Sunday. Locals and guests are welcome to experience this custom of...


Grüne Kosmetik Basis

Grüne Kosmetik Basis
Grüne Kosmetik Basis

Green cosmetics base Date:        12/04/2025 Time:       14:00 Duration:  3...




Herbal workshop Time:       14:00 Duration:  3 h Location:  Kendla 31, 6752 Wald am Arlberg ...


PS - Pony & Fun

PS - Pony & Fun
PS - Pony & Fun

At the Black Coffee Stables in Dalaas, children from 4 years learn to ride in a playful way. Period: 01/05 - 31/10/2024 Weekday: Daily upon...


Guided snowshoe hike Muttjöchle

Guided snowshoe hike Muttjöchle
Guided snowshoe hike Muttjöchle

With snowshoes on the Muttjöchle... From the Muttjöchle, you can look forward to far-reaching views of the Klostertal, the Arlberg and the Rätikon....




Every Monday fondue evening. Reservations requested until Sunday 17:00 | der klostertalerhof T +43 5582 535 or servus@derklostertalerhof.com


Mountain breakfast at the Sonnenkopf

Mountain breakfast at the Sonnenkopf
Mountain breakfast at the Sonnenkopf

Start the day in the Sonnenkopf mountain restaurant with a rich and tasty mountain breakfast. Let yourself be pampered and enjoy the tremendous...




Surrounded by 44 tonnes of Himalayan salt, the salt cave offers a climate that cleanses the airways, refreshes the skin and promotes well-being. ...


Trekking with Lamas in Klostertal

Trekking with Lamas in Klostertal
Trekking with Lamas in Klostertal

Children also enjoy hiking in the company of the Klostertal llamas. It is often difficult to say goodbye to the woolly animals. Weekday: daily by...


Lantern hike in Klösterle am Arlberg

Lantern hike in Klösterle am Arlberg
Lantern hike in Klösterle am Arlberg

From the centre of Klösterle am Arlberg we hike together by lantern light along the winter hiking trail through the winter landscape. After a break...


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